Registration Successful
People who have registered:
- ()
- Andreas Albrecht (UC Davis)
- Michael Barnett (LBNL)
- Itzhak Bars (USC)
- Stan Brodsky (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Bob Cahn (LBNL)
- Steven Carlip (UC Davis)
- Ling-Lie Chau (UC Davis)
- Hsin-Chia Cheng (UC Davis)
- John Conway (UC Davis)
- Radovan Dermisek (Indiana University)
- Robin Erbacher (UC Davis)
- Claude Garrod (UC Davis)
- Konstantin Goulianos (The Rockefeller University)
- Jack Gunion (U.C. Davis)
- Howard Haber (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- JoAnne Hewett (SLAC)
- Joe Kiskis (UC Davis)
- Winston Ko (UC Davis)
- Richard Lander (UC Davis)
- Markus Luty (UC Davis)
- Yasunori Nomura (UC Berkeley)
- Fred Olness (SMU)
- David Pellett (UC Davis Physics)
- Michael Peskin (SLAC)
- Tom Rizzo (SLAC)
- Albert De Roeck (CERN)
- John Terning (UC Davis)
- Roberto Vega (Southern Methodist University)
- Carlos Wagner (University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory)
- James Wells (University of Michigan)
- Gergely T. Zimanyi (UC Davis)
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