Detecting the Unexpected
Date: | Nov. 16-17, 2007 |
Location: | University of California Davis |
Building: | |
The following people:
Zacharia Chacko, faculty at Maryland
Spencer Chang, postdocs at NYU
Elliott Cheu, faculty at Arizona
Kyle Cranmer, faculty at NYU
Albert de Roeck, staff at CERN
Jonathan Feng, faculty at UC Irvine
Henry Frisch, faculty at Chicago
Yuri Gershtein, faculty at Florida State
Bohdan Grzadkowski, faculty at Warsaw
Dan Green, staff at FNAL
George Hou, faculty at Taiwan
Can Killic, postdoc at Hopkins
Greg Landsberg, faculty at Brown
Steve Mrenna, staff at Fermilab
Jason Nielsen, faculty at UCSC
Mariano Quiros, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Matt Strassler, faculty at Rutgers
Dave Stuart, faculty at UCSB
Shufang Su, faculty at Arizona
Scott Thomas, faculty at Rutgers
Daniel Ventura, postdoc at Washington
Liantao Wang, faculty at Princeton
Gordon Watts, faculty at U. Washington
Kathryn Zurek postdoc at Wisconsin
and "local" participants:
Giacomo Cacciapaglia, postdoc at UC Davis
Hsin-Chia Cheng, faculty at UC Davis
Robin Erbacher, faculty at UC Davis
John Conway, faculty at UC Davis
Hock-Seng Goh, postdoc at UC Berkeley
Jack Gunion, faculty at UC Davis
Roni Harnik, postdoc at SLAC
Zhenyu Han, postdoc at UC Davis
JoAnne Hewett, staff at SLAC
Nemanja Kaloper, faculty at UC Davis
Winston Ko, Dean at UC Davis
Dick Lander, faculty at UC Davis
Markus Luty, faculty at UC Davis
Guido Marandella, postdoc at UC Davis
Yasunori Nomura, faculty at UC Berkeley
Michael Peskin, staff at SLAC
Dave Pellett, faculty at UC Davis
Tom Rizzo, staff at SLAC
Philip Schuster, postdoc at SLAC
John Terning, faculty at UC Davis
Natalia Toro, postdoc at SLAC
Devon Walker, postdoc at Berkeley
Tomar Wizansky, student at SLAC
will attend.