Syllabus for Visualization in Science
Lecture--3 hours. Production, interpretation, and use of images in physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry as scientific evidence and for communication of research results. GE credit: SciEng | SE, VL.barbeque(Physics 12, UC Davis, Spring 2016)
Location: Phy 432
Time: Tue/Thur 10:30-11:50 am
Professor: John Terning
Office: Phy 435
Office Hours: Tue 9:30-10:30
Web Page: /teaching/12/index.php
Course Outline
- Historical Overview
- illustration
- photography
- microphotography
- stopping motion
- 3D
- astronomy
- spectroscopy
- X-rays
- elementary particles
- ultraviolet and infrared
- Case Studies
- discovery of antimatter
- structure of DNA
- dark matter
- digital forensics
- Presentation
- answering the question
- addressing your audience
- Powerpoint/Keynote/Prezi
- design and visual information
- Infographics
- motion
- parallel display
- small multiples
- encoding by area
- social graphs
- "confections"
- Data Visualization
- scale and banking
- distributions
- scatter plots
- regression
- multivariate data
- cause and effect
- time series
- mapping
- networks
- interactive visualizations
- Computer Simulation
- programs in processing
- ray tracing
- animation
No text book is required
Books on Reserve:
- "Visual explanations :images and quantities, evidence and narrative" Edward R. Tufte
- "Envisioning Science: the design and craft of the science image" Felice Frankel
Grading will be based on weekly assignments (including progress on your presentation), and the final presentation (instead of a final exam). The grade breakdown will be 10% on in class participation, 30% on weekly assignments, 30% on mid-term exam, and 30% on the final presentation.
Current Assignment
There are no assignments currently due.
Slides/Lecture Notes
Additional Materials
- Fermi surfaces
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- video shot inside an MRI
- scattering in 2D
- Nobel Prizes and Visualization
- Microphotography contest
Other Information
If you have not already done so please review the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct.
If you need to document a learning disability contact the Student Disability Center.