Title: ATLAS VH(→bb) Legacy Analysis: The most granular cross section measurement of the Higgs boson decays to bottom quarks & Proof of concept for a cost-effective DAQ system
Speaker: Lubos Vozdecky
High-Energy Seminars
1:30pm - 3:00pm
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Yes - 1 day 4 hour 0 minutes before start
Speaker: Jeff Greensite
Title: The Higgs phase as a spin glass, and quantum excitations of isolated fermions in gauge Higgs theories
Room: 3024
Host: Luty
Abstract: Any charged object in a gauge Higgs theory is surrounded by gauge and Higgs fields, as required by physical state conditions. I will argue that these surrounding fields can have a spectrum of excitations, which would appear as a mass spectrum of the charged object, and show numerical evidence of this effect in SU(3) gauge Higgs theory, and in the Landau-Ginzburg model. I will also discuss the gauge-invariant distinction between Higgs and confinement phases in terms of both symmetry and confinement type, a distinction which exists even in the absence of a thermodynamic transition line isolating the two phases.
Speaker: Carlos Blanco -Postponed
Title: Developments in sub-GeV dark matter direct detection: Nanomaterials and Molecules
Room: 3024
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/186024391
Host: Hsin-Chia Cheng
Abstract: As the WIMP draws under increasing tension thanks to the ever increasing sensitivity of direct detection experiments, the majority of dark matter parameter space outside of the weak scale remains unexplored. Molecular and nano-scale systems are particularly well-suited to look for sub-GeV DM since their eV-scale electronic transitions may be excited through light dark matter interactions. Here, I will discuss the importance of molecular and mesoscopic systems as new directions in the direct detection of dark matter, focusing on the use of quantum dots (QDs) and organic crystals as detector targets. I will show that QDs present a particularly interesting target with inherently low-background signals and low-cost scalability. I will present the molecular Migdal effect as a new directional method to detect DM nuclear recoils using molecular systems. Finally, I will discuss the potential synergy between nanomaterials and molecules as well as applications of these formalisms for indirect detection.
Speaker: Axel Newton Buchot Perraguin
Title: Timing performance of a prototype of the CMS High Granular Calorimeter and search for high mass resonances with multi-lepton channels
Location: Lander Lab (PHY 316)
Zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/68850143943?pwd=aElyMUdXKzVtbDRhZXVVZDlrbTBNdz09