HE Seminar
Speaker: John Learned (Hawaii)
Title: NuLat: a near-reactor neutrino detector to study the RAA and for other applications
Host: Svoboda
Room: 432
Abstract:NuLat is a new design for a meter scale electron anti-neutrino
detector, employing the LENS geometry to divide the detector into a
lattice of small cells. Each cell has a totally internally reflecting
boundary, and light from an interaction in one cell goes strongly in the
three cardinal directions, pinning down the interactions with a six fold
coincidence. Effects due to annihilation gammas are minimized by small
cell sizes (6 cm). Not only will this detector have good 5 D resolution
(X,Y,Z,t,E), plus some particle identification, it will reject
backgrounds efficiently, and reject many signatures in real time. The
NuLat team combining the miniTImeCube and LENS groups and others, has
much of the development previously accomplished, and construction is
expected to be underway soon.