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Where Are They Now?

One often hears the phrase “publish or perish” in the halls of academe, however in today's theoretical particle physics job market, being published is not enough. Not even being published, read, and cited.

Goldman Sachs

Bloomberg L.P.



Shell E&P Technology Company

Music Production, New York]]

McKinsey & Company

Morgan Stanley

Sun Microsystems

Editor, Public Affairs at Fermilab

  • Ryan Rohm: 4130 citations, Adjunct Associate Professor,

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jet Propulsion Lab

Safeweb, Emeryville CA

Novell, Cambridge, UK

Merrill Lynch

Of course some people do manage to get faculty jobs and then decide that academia is not all it's cracked up to be:

Note: number of citations is obtained from SPIRES

where_are_they.1152663712.txt.gz · Last modified: Tue Jul 11, 2006 (external edit)
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