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Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill

Mon Jul 01, 2024

New Job at U. New Hampshire


The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary.

The UC Davis Physics Department disavows any responsibility for the information contained herein.

2024 Faculty Jobs:

Arizona State
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:
Andrea Guerrieri
Alfredo Guevara
Sebastian Mizera
Grant Remmen

Offered To:

Short List:
Matheus Hostert
Niklas Mueller
Zahra Tabrizi
Yu-Dai Tsai

Offered To:

LBNL (from previous year)
Short List:
Kaori Fuyuto
Isabel Garcia Garcia (withdrawn)
Gustavo Marques-Tavares
Nicholas Rodd

Offered To:
Nicholas Rodd (accepted)

Short List:
Carlos Blanco
Joshua Foster
Xiaochuan Lu
Grant Remmen
Tanner Trickle

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Michigan State
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

New Hampshire
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:
Mariana Carrillo González
Alfredo Guevara
Hayden Lee
Grant Remmen
John Stout
Weishuang Linda Xu

Offered To:

Penn State
Short List:
Carlos Blanco
candidates in other fields

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Santa Barbara
Short List:
Itay Bloch
Brian Henning
Soubhik Kumar

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Stony Brook
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Virginia Tech
Short List:
Matheus Hostert
Zahra Tabrizi

Offered To:

Faculty Shuffle:

Send questions or comments to:

current.1705448384.txt.gz · Last modified: Tue Jan 16, 2024 by terning
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