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Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill

Wed Jul 17, 2024

Kennesaw Hires, Oklahoma Makes Offer
Toronto Hires


The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary.

The UC Davis Physics Department disavows any responsibility for the information contained herein.

2017 Faculty Jobs:

Arizona State
Short List:
Matthew Baumgart
Joshua Berger
Francesco D'Eramo
Cynthia Keeler
David McKeen
William Shepherd
Luca Vecchi
Felix Yu

Offered To:
Matthew Baumgart (accepted)
Cynthia Keeler (accepted)

Short List:
Thomas Dumitrescu
Aron Wall

Offered To:

Short List:
Tongyan Lin
David McKeen
Felix Yu
Yue Zhang

Offered To:

Short List:
Duff Neill

Offered To:

Johns Hopkins
Short List:
Anson Hook
Thomas Dumitrescu
Tien-Tien Yu

Offered To:
Thomas Dumitrescu

Kennesaw State
Short List:
Matthew Baumgart
Yang-Ting Chien
Marco Guzzi
William Shepherd

Offered To:
Marco Guzzi (accepted)

Los Alamos
Short List:
Daniele Alves
Ema Dimastrogiovanni
Matteo Fasiello
Pedro Machado
Luca Vecchi
Yue Zhang

Offered To:
Daniele Alves
Pedro Machado

Short List:
David Curtin
Anson Hook
Tongyan Lin
Duff Neill

Offered To:
David Curtin

Short List:

Offered To:

Oklahoma State
Short List:

Offered To:

Oklahoma U.
Short List:
Daniele Alves
Kuver Sinha

Offered To:
Daniele Alves

Short List:
Francesco D'Eramo
Xi Dong
Thomas Dumitrescu
Andrey Katz
Eran Palti
Duccio Pappadopulo

Offered To:
Xi Dong

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:
Joseph Bramante
Francesco D'Eramo
An Haipeng

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Sam Houston State
Short List:
Matthew Baumgart
Shreyashi Chakdar
Jessica Cook
James Dent
William Shepherd
Kuver Sinha

Offered To:
James Dent (accepted)

San Diego
Short List:
Tongyan Lin

Offered To:

Santa Barbara
Short List:
Clay Cordova
Xi Dong
Thomas Dumitrescu
Aron Wall
astro people

Offered To:

Santa Cruz
Short List:
David Curtin
Francesco D'Eramo
Thomas Dumitrescu
Tongyan Lin

Offered To:

Short List:
Dionysios Anninos
Gokce Basar
David Curtin
Ben Heidenreich

Offered To:
David Curtin (accepted)

Short List:
David Curtin
Francesco D'Eramo
Claudia Frugiuele
Gordan Krnjaic
Tongyan Lin
David McKeen


Offered To:

Short List:
Jacob Bourjaily
David Curtin
Thomas Dumitrescu
Anson Hook
Tongyan Lin
Eric Perlmutter
Oliver Schlotterer

Offered To:

UMass Amherst
Short List:
Adam Brown
Paul Chesler
David Curtin
Marco Drewes
Ben Heidenreich
Tongyan Lin
David McKeen
Eric Perlmutter

Offered To:

University of the Pacific
Short List:
Amy Nicholson

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

Faculty Shuffle:

Philip Schuster: PerimeterSLAC
Natalia Toro: PerimeterSLAC

Send questions or comments to:

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