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Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill

Thu Sep 26, 2024
[[|{{ wiki:ribbon.gif }}]] **Disclaimer:** The following information is based on rumors submitted by our correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied. Your mileage may vary. The [[|UC Davis Physics Department]] disavows any responsibility for the information contained herein. ======2012 Faculty Jobs:======

Brookhaven (open until filled)
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:

Offered To:

City Tech (open until filled)
Short List:

Offered To:

Fermilab (deadline Jan. 13)
Short List:
Joachim Kopp

Offered To:

Short List:
Yang Bai
David Krohn
Matt Reece
Tracy Slatyer

Offered To:
Matt Reece (accepted)
Tracy Slatyer (declined)

University of Illinois, Chicago
Short List:
Paul Chesler
Ludmila Levkova

Offered To:

Johns Hopkins
Short List:
Yanou Cui
Liam Fitzpatrick
Dan Green
Jared Kaplan
David Poland
Rafael Porto
Matt Reece
Natalia Saulina
Gonzalo Torroba

Offered To:
Jared Kaplan (accepted)
more senior person

Short List:
Liam Fitzpatrick
Jared Kaplan
David Poland
Offered To:

Short List:
Andrey Katz
Sonny Mantry
Adam Martin
Andreas Ross
Jessie Shelton
more senior people

Offered To:
more senior person

Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:
Jared Kaplan
Mariangela Lisanti
Tracy Slatyer

Offered To:
Tracy Slatyer (accepted)

Notre Dame
Short List:
Tao Liu
Adam Martin
Daniel Feldman
Jessie Shelton
Hai-bo Yu

Offered To:
Adam Martin (accepted)

Ohio State (open until filled)
Short List:
Linda Carpenter
Daniel Feldman
Andrey Katz
Matt Reece
Brock Tweedie

Offered To:
Linda Carpenter (accepted)
Matt Reece (declined)

Short List:
Simone Giombi
Jonathan Heckman
Mariangela Lisanti

Offered To:
Mariangela Lisanti (accepted)
Simone Giombi

San Diego (open until filled)
Short List:
Dan Green
Jonathan Heckman
David Poland
Jessie Shelton
Gonzalo Torroba
Giovanni Villadoro

Offered To:

Short List:
Linda Carpenter
Aleksey Cherman
JiJi Fan
Jack Laiho
Adam Martin

Offered To:
Linda Carpenter (declined)
JiJi Fan (accepted)
Jack Laiho (accepted)

Western Ontario
Short List:

Offered To:

Short List:
Yang Bai
Matthew Buckley
JiJi Fan
Liam Fitzpatrick
Adam Martin
Matt Reece
Brock Tweedie

Offered To:
Matt Reece (declined)
Yang Bai (accepted)

Short List:
Paul Chesler
Daniel Green
Liam Fitzpatrick
David Poland
Natalia Saulina
David Skinner

Offered To:
David Poland (accepted)

York (joint position with Perimeter)
Short List:
Matt Johnson
Adam Martin
Rafael Porto
Alexander Vikman
Matt Reece
Kendrick Smith
Brock Tweedie
more senior people

Offered To:
more senior person (declined)
Matt Reece (declined)
Kendrick Smith (declined)
Matt Johnson

Faculty Shuffle:

Kevork Abazajian: MarylandUC Irvine
Stephon Alexander: HaverfordDartmouth
Niayesh Afshordi: U. Waterloo/Perimeter InstituteUniversity of Western Cape
Tao Han: WisconsinPittsburgh
Ruth Van de Water: BrookhavenFermilab

Send questions or comments to:

archive/2012.1347581743.txt.gz ยท Last modified: Thu Sep 13, 2012 by terning
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