two gamma event

High Energy


Special Seminar: Pedro Ferreira

Description Speaker: Pedro Ferreira
Title: Are there hidden scalars in the LHC results?
Host: Gunion
Room: 432
Abstract: In the Two Higgs Doublet Model, scalars heavier than the 125 GeV state recently discovered at the LHC are predicted. Those heavier particles - a charged scalar H^+, a pseudoscalar A and a heavier CP-even state H - can decay to to lighter scalar h, and for considerable regions of parameter space, those decays have branching ratios close to unity. Their production cross-sections at the LHC can be quite large as well, and as such there is the possibility that part of the scalars we are currently seeing at the LHC are the result of the decay of the heavier states. In that sense, we may already, unknowingly, be observing extra scalars at the LHC. We will show that this mechanism of chain Higgs production can amount to as much as 20% of the number of scalars produced at the LHC.
Date Thu, February 13, 2014
Time 4:30am-5:30am PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Mon, February 10, 2014 3:27am PST
Send Reminder Yes  -  3 days 0 hour 0 minutes before start

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