Special Math/Physics Seminar
Speaker: Christopher Herzog
Room: 432
Title: The Structures of Entanglement
Abstract: Entanglement entropy plays a large role in theoretical physics today in quantum mechanics, condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, gravity, and even string theory. I will discuss some of the recent successful applications of entanglement ideas and also some of the challenges we still face. The second half of the talk will largely be devoted to recent progress in understanding thermal corrections to entanglement entropy.
High-Energy Seminars
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Yes - 0 days 4 hour 0 minutes before start
Speaker: Daniel Litim, University of Sussex
(Visitor to Steve Carlip's quantum gravity class, giving a
seminar open to all.)
Room: 185
Host: Carlip
Title: Interacting UV fixed points - from 4D quantum gauge
theories to 4D quantum gravitation
It is commonly believed that a fundamental definition of
quantum field theory requires the existence of an UV fixed
point. Asymptotic freedom of QCD is the well-known
example where the fixed point is non-interacting. In this talk, I provide a proof of existence for novel classes of 4D
matter-gauge theories whose high-energy behaviour is
governed by an interacting UV fixed point. In the absence
of asymptotic freedom, scalars, fermions, and non-Abelian
gauge fields cooperate in such a way that an interacting
UV fixed point emerges. I discuss the key characteristics
of these theories which are all under strict perturbative
control. I also discuss recent advances and challenges to
find interacting UV fixed points in 4D quantum gravity
once couplings become strong.