Accommodations will be in a single or double room at the Inn and Spa at Loretto in Santa Fe. The workshop will take place in the hotel. Please indicate on the registration form if you are bringing family so that we can plan to put you in a double room. Also, please let us know if you will need special arrangements for children.
In your free time walk a block to the Santa Fe Plaza or drive to the Santa Fe Opera.
Your registration fee includes breakfast and lunch Monday-Saturday in the hotel.
Unfortunately, we cannot reduce the registration fee if several participants wish to room together.
Your registration fee covers six nights at Inn and Spa at Loretto.
Subject to availability of rooms, additional nights may be available
at a special rate of $134.
If you wish to stay extra nights please let us know by March 31, 2006
either by indicating this on the registration form or
by emailing the organizers at
We strongly encourage you to to this at the earliest possible date.
Inn and Spa at Loretto is
located within walking distance of all major Santa Fe attractions
(except for the Opera). For those participants who will have cars, hotel
parking is $15/day.