====== Mining the Cosmic Frontier in the Planck Era ======
====== Fundamental Questions in Cosmology ======
Date: | May 20-24, 2013 |
Location: | University of California Davis |
Building: | |
===== Abstract: =====
Planck will bring together observers and theorists to discuss present and
future signals and constraints.
===== Program =====
Monday May 20
{{program>li;8:00am; Registration Desk Opens}}
{{program>li;8:30; Welcome from Dean Ko}}
{{program>2013:may;8:35; Mission History & Products Lawrence}}
{{program>2013:may;8:55; Overview of Planck Data and Results Gorski}}
{{program>2013:may;9:35; LFI maps Maino}}
{{program>2013:may;9:50; CMB measurements with the Planck HFI Crill}}
{{program>li;10:10 Coffee Break}}
{{program>2013:may;10:35; Component Separation Colombo}}
{{program>2013:may;11:00; Power Spectra and the Liklehood Rocha}}
{{program>2013:may;11:30; LCDM & Extensions Millea}}
{{program>li;12:00; Lunch provided on site}}
{{program>2013:may;1:30; CMB Lensing Hanson}}
{{program>2013:may;2:00; The Hubble Constant from Supernovae, Cepheids and Parallax Riess}}
{{program>2013:may;2:40; SNe Perlmutter}}
{{program>2013:may;3:20; BAO: Current status and future directions Padmanabhan}}
{{program>li;4:00; Coffee Break}}
{{program>2013:may;4:30; Panel Discussion (Albrecht, Hinshaw, Lawrence, Reiss, Spergel)
Moderator: Holzapfel panel}}
Tuesday, May 21
{{program>2013:may;8:30; Internal Consistency of Planck Data Meinhold}}
{{program>2013:may;9:00; WMAP lymanpage}}
{{program>2013:may;9:30; SPT Holzapfel}}
{{program>2013:may;10:00; ACT Staggs}}
{{program>li;10:30; Coffee break}}
{{program>2013:may;11:00; Galaxy ClusterScience From Planck: A World of Riches Bartlett}}
{{program>2013:may;11:30; The SPT-SZ Survey: Cosmological Constraints from SZ Benson}}
{{program>2013:may;12:00; Rykoff}}
{{program>li;12:45; Lunch provided on site}}
{{program>2013:may;2:15; CIB Lagache}}
{{program>2013:may;2:45; Lensing cross correlations Dore}}
{{program>2013:may;3:15; Lensing cross correlations Holder}}
{{program>li;3:45; Coffee Break}}
{{program>2013:may;4:15; Dark Matter Substructure Dalal}}
{{program>2013:may;4:45; Inflation and Non-Gaussianity Results from Planck Wandelt}}
{{program>2013:may;9:00; Constraints from Planck on Neutrinos Hou}}
{{program>2013:may;9:20; BBN and the Status of D, He4, and Li7 Observations Olive}}
{{program>2013:may;10:10; Constraints on dark matter from the non-linear regime Kaplinghat}}
{{program>li;10:50; Coffee Break}}
{{program>2013:may;11:20 - 12:00; Summary of the 'Mining' conference summary}}
{{program>li;12:00 - 1:30; Lunch provided on site}}
{{program>2013:may;1:30 - 2:15; Challenges for theoretical cosmology Albrecht}}
{{program>2013:may;2:15 - 3:00; Inflation after Planck2013 Linde}}
{{program>li;3:00 - 3:30; Break}}
{{program>2013:may;3:30 - 4:15; Quantum cosmological perturbations: predictions and observations Mukhanov}}
{{program>2013:may;4:15 - 5:00; Prospects for observing the multiverse Kleban}}
{{program>2013:may;7:30; Evening public lecture Sean Carroll}}
Thursday, May 23rd
{{program>2013:may;9:15-10:00; Alternative considerations Steinhardt}}
{{program>2013:may;10:00-10:45; Cosmological singularity resolution via AdS/CFT Turok}}
{{program>li;10:45-11:15; Break}}
{{program>2013:may;11:15 -12:00; Black holes and dark energy Gregory}}
{{program>li;12:00 - 2:00; Lunch Break/Buffet}}
{{program>2013:may;2:00-2:45; Extreme cosmic censorship for cosmology and black holes Page}}
{{program>2013:may;2:45-3:30; The global structure of the multiverse and the measure problem Vilenkin}}
{{program>li;3:30-4:00; Break}}
{{program>2013:may;4:00-4:45; Towards tractable dS solutions/data mining in a flattened landscape Silverstein}}
{{program>2013:may;4:45-5:30; d_amico}}
Friday, May 24th
{{program>2013:may;9:15-10:00; Mining black holes Brown}}
{{program>2013:may;10:00-10:45; Reconstructing bulk from boundary: clues and challenges Freivogel}}
{{program>li;10:45-11:15; Break}}
{{program>2013:may;11:15 -12:00; Symmetries and Ward identities of adiabatic modes Khoury}}
{{program>li;12:00 - 2:00; Lunch Break/Buffet}}
{{program>2013:may;2:00-2:45; Fractal-flows in cosmology and observational signatures of the multiverse Susskind}}
{{program>2013:may;2:45-3:30; What does data really tell us about the underlying theory of inflation? Banks}}
{{program>li;3:30-4:00; Break}}
{{program>2013:may;4:00-4:45; Planck data and ultralight axions Terning}}
{{program>2013:may;4:45-5:30; Inflation physics and Planck 2013's small scale concordance and large scale anomalies Bond}}
===== Participants =====