====== Top @ Tevatron 4 LHC ======
Date: | Nov. 20-21, 2009 |
Location: | University of California Davis |
Building: | |
===== Abstract: =====
Abstract: As the LHC ramps up, the Tevatron will have high-precision data on the top quark with sensitivity to new physics at the TeV scale. With the LHC ramping up, this workshop will assess whether there are opportunities for top-related physics at the Tevatron that have not been utilized. Main topics: top-related new physics searches at the Tevatron; the possible anomaly in the top forward-backward asymmetry; and boosted top/jet substructure at the Tevatron. The workshop will have approximately equal number of theorists and experimentalists, and the format is informal with lots of time for discussion.
===== Program =====
{{program>li;9:35-10:30 Discussion - All}}
{{program>li;10:30-10:50 Coffee break}}
{{program>li;11:10-11:40 Discussion}}
{{program>li;12:15-2:00 Lunch}}
{{program>li;3:30-4:00;Coffee break}}
{{program>li;5:00;After Workshop Happy Hour}}
{{program>li;8:00;Dinner -- Pasta? -- 805 2nd St}}
{{program>li;10:30-10:50;Coffee break}}
{{program>li;2:00-2:30;Contributions/Discussion, New Physics in Top- All}}
{{program>li;3:30-4:00;Coffee break}}
===== Suggested reading: =====
*[[http://arXiv.org/pdf/0806.2472v3|CDF FB measurement]]
*[[http://www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/WWW/results/final/TOP/T07F/ |D0 FB measurement]]
*[[http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/new/top/2008/tprop/Tprime2.8/public.html |CDF t' Search]]
===== Participants =====