====== Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill ======
[[http://www.eff.org/blueribbon.html|{{ wiki:ribbon.gif }}]]
The following information is based on rumors submitted by our
correspondents from around the world. Since many physics departments
will not verify this (in principle) public information, we cannot
guarantee that any information is accurate. This information is
provided as a public service, no warranty is expressed or implied.
Your mileage may vary.
The [[http://www.physics.ucdavis.edu/|UC Davis Physics Department]]
disavows any responsibility for the information contained herein.
====== 1996 Faculty Jobs: ======
University of California, Irvine
**Short List:** Mark Alford, Pilar Hernandez, Raman Sundrum, ...
**Offered to:** condensed matter experimentalist
* University of California, Los Angeles
(2 joint Physics & Math positions)
**Short List:** Paul Aspinwall, Brian Greene, David Morrison, Ronen Plesser
**Offered to:** Paul Aspinwall (declined), David Morrison
* University of California, San Diego
**Short List:** Ken Intriligator
**Offered to:** Ken Intriligator (accepted)
* Caltech
(2 positions)
**Short List:** Ken Intriligator, Shamit Kachru, Juan Maldacena, Krishna Rajagopal, ...
**Offered to:** Ken Intriligator (declined), Juan Maldacena (accepted)
* University of Colorado, Boulder
**Short List:** Shyamoli Chaudhuri
**Offered to:** Shyamoli Chaudhuri (accepted)
* Cornell University
**Short List:** Philip Argyres, Paul Aspinwall, Sean Carroll, Shamit Kachru, Ronen Plesser, Scott Thomas, Krishna Rajagopal, ...
**Offered to:** Philip Argyres (accepted)
* University of Chicago
(gravity/particle physics job)
**Short List:** Sean Carroll, ...
**Offered to:**
**Status:** search postponed until next year
* Duke University
(3 physics positions, 1 math position)
**Short List:** Peter Arnold, Krishna Rajagopal, John Terning, three condensed matter types
**Offered to:** Paul Aspinwall (accepted), Ronen Plesser (accepted), Krishna Rajagopal (accepted), one condensed matter type (accepted)
* Fermilab
(five year, tenure track position)
**Short List:** Marcela Carena, Peter Cho, Pilar Hernandez, Krishna Rajagopal, Raman Sundrum, John Terning, ...
**Offered to:** Marcela Carena (accepted)
* Harvard University
**Short List:** Shamit Kachru, John March-Russell, Krishna Rajagopal, Scott Thomas, ...
**Offered to:** Scott Thomas (declined), Shamit Kachru (declined)
* Kansas State University
(astrophysics/cosmology job)
**Short List:** Bharat Ratra, ...
**Offered to:** Bharat Ratra (accepted)
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology
**Short List:** Shamit Kachru
**Offered to:** Shamit Kachru (accepted)
* University of Minnesota
**Short List:**
**Offered to: **
**Status:** search postponed until next year due to lack of funds
* Old Dominion University
**Short List:** Ian Balitsky, Michael Frank, Joe Milana, Colin Morningstar, John Sloan, Adam Szczepaniak
**Offered to:** Ian Balitsky (accepted)
* Penn State University
**Short List:** Philip Argyres, Shyamoli Chaudhuri, ...
**Offered to:** Shyamoli Chaudhuri (declined)
* Princeton University
**Short List:**
**Offered to:**
* Rutgers University
**Short List:** Scott Thomas
**Offered to:** Scott Thomas (declined)
* Stanford University
**Short List:** Ken Intriligator, Scott Thomas
**Offered to:** Ken Intriligator (declined)
* University of Virginia
**Short List:** Sean Carroll, Shyamoli Chaudhuri, ...\\
**Offered to:** Sean Carroll (declined)
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute
**Short List:** James Amundson, David Atwood, Oscar Hernandez, Rajamani Narayanan, Tatsu Takeuchi \\
**Offered to:** Tatsu Takeuchi (accepted)
* University of Washington
(nuclear theory group)
**Short List:** Martin Savage, ...\\
**Offered to:** Martin Savage (accepted)
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