Curriculum Vitae of John Terning
Invited Plenary Conference Talks

"Inflation from Broken Scale Invariance," Physics from Run 2 of the LHC, Jeju South Korea, Sept. 13-20 2014.

"Inflation from Broken Scale Invariance," International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Crete, July 31-Aug. 6, 2014.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Beyond the Standard Model 2014, KEK Japan, March 3-7, 2014.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Beyond the Standard Model after the first run of the LHC, GGI Florence Italy, Jul. 9-12, 2013.

"Planck Data and Axions", Fundamental Questions in Cosmology, Planck Collaboration Conference at UC Davis, May 20-24, 2013.

"A Light Composite Stop," Frontiers Beyond the Standard Model III, U. of Minnesota, Oct. 11-13, 2012.

"Monopoles and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," 23rd Rencontres de Blois Particle Physics and Cosmology, May 29-June 3, 2011.

"Monopoles and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," 2011 Aspen Winter Conference "New Data from the Energy Frontier," Feb. 13-18, 2011.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," MC4BSM, Copenhagen Denmark, Apr.14-16, 2010.

"Higgsless Models", Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile Italy, Mar. 6-13, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Rencontres de Physique des Particules, Lyon France, Jan 25-27, 2010.

"The AdS/CFT/Unparticle Correspondence," International Workshop on Supersymmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking, IPPP, Durham, UK, Apr. 20-24, 2009.

"Theoretical Summary Talk," Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Feb. 9-14, 2009.

"The unHiggs," Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics, Feb. 9-14, 2009.

"The AdS/CFT/Unparticle Correspondence," Planck '08, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-23, 2008.

"Unparticles," Eötvös-Cornell 2007 Summer Workshop on Particle Theory, Budapest, Hungary, June 25-29, 2007.

"Field Theory on Multi-Throat Backgrounds", Planck '06, Paris, France, May 29-June 2, 2006.

"The accelerated acceleration of the Universe," New Ideas Beyond the Standard Model, College of William and Mary, Oct. 8-10, 2005.

"Life without a Higgs," CP and non-standard Higgs working group meeting, SLAC, Mar. 24-25, 2005.

"Life without a Higgs,'' New Directions in Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Pisa, May 31 2-June 5, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs,'' Aspen Winter Conference, Jan. 2-7, 2004.

" What's so Little about the Little Higgs?," COSMO-03, Ambleside, UK, Aug. 25-29, 2003.

"Glueballs and AdS/CFT," The Phenomenology of Large Nc QCD, Arizona State University, January 9-11, 2002.

"Duality Meets Phenomenology," SUSY 2000, CERN, June 26 - Jul. 1, 2000.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," New Directions in Quantum Chromodynamics, Korea, June 21-25, 1999.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," Aspen Winter Conference, January, 1999.

"The End of Technicolor," Recent Developments in Phenomenology (Pheno97), University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 17-19, 1997.

"Tightwad tests of technicolor," Aspen Winter Conference, January 16-23, 1994.

"An extended technicolor model," New Physics at New Facilities, Case Western Reserve University, October 15-17, 1993.

"Technicolor and precision electroweak measurements," Aspen Winter Conference, January 10-16, 1993.

"Extended technicolor model building," International Workshop on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Hiroshima, Japan, November 12-15, 1991.

Invited Conference Talks

"Life without a Higgs," Quantum Theory and Symmetries, APS Meeting, Denver, May 1-4, 2004.

"Beyond Orbifolds: Life without a Higgs," Quantum Theory and Symmetries, U. of Cincinnati, Sept. 10-14, 2003.

" Dimming Extragalactic Supernovae via Axions," COSMO-02, Chicago, Illinois, September 18-21, 2002.

"Single Sector SUSY Breaking," Particles and Fields '99, Los Angeles, January, 1999.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," Particles and Fields '99, Los Angeles, January, 1999.

"Comments on technicolour model building," Beyond the Standard Model III, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, June 22-24, 1992.

"Mass enhancement and critical behavior in technicolor theories," Particles and Fields '91, Vancouver, Canada, August 18-22, 1991.

Summer Schools

"The Theory of Mass Generation," Maria Laach School for High Energy Physics, Maria Laach Abbey, Germany, Sept. 2013.

"Beyond the Standard Model," Physics at TeV colliders: from Tevatron to LHC, Cargese France, July 2010.

"The Standard Model," CERN Summer Program, July 2010.

"Introduction to Compositeness, Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Extended Gauge Theories," PSI: New Ideas in Particle Physics, Zuoz, Switzerland, July 13 to 19, 2008

"SUSY Gauge Theories," Perimeter Institute: Strings, Gravity and Cosmology, U. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Aug. 2006.

"Strings, Gravity and Cosmology" University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada August 2006.

"Particle Cosmology" Santa Fe Comsology Workshop, July 2002.

"Non-perturbative Methods in Supersymmetry," TASI, June 2002.


"Quantum Phase Transitions and the Higgs", ETH Zurich, Nov. 9, 2014.

"The Origin of Mass", Technion, Israel, Nov. 4, 2013.

"Alternatives to the Standard Model Higgs", U. Valencia, Spain, Feb. 16, 2010.

"Extra Dimensions", U. Oregon, Nov. 29, 2007.

"Extra Dimensions", U. Connecticut, Mar. 30, 2007.

"Extra Dimensions", UC Irvine, Feb. 1, 2007.


"The Quantum Critical Higgs", Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics, Jul. 20, 2015.

"The Quantum Critical Higgs", Harvard U., Feb. 24, 2015.

"The Quantum Critical Higgs", UC Irvine, Feb. 4, 2015.

"The Quantum Critical Higgs", Cornell, Nov. 21, 2014.

"The Quantum Critical Higgs", Perimeter Institute, Waterloo Canada, Nov. 14, 2014.

"The Quantum Critical Higgs", NYU, Nov. 12, 2014.

"Seiberg-Witten Theory", U. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 17, 2014.

"Seiberg Duality", U. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 16, 2014.

"Planck Data and Axions", Cornell, Nov. 13, 2013.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Newe Shalom , Israel, Nov. 5, 2013.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Boston U., Oct. 9, 2013.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Aspen Center for Physics, Aug. 13, 2013.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," SLAC, May 1, 2013.

"Dilatons and Fine Tuning," Cornell, Mar. 27, 2013.

"A Light Composite Stop," Fermilab, Oct 10, 2012.

"A Light Composite Stop," U. of Oregon, Sep. 25, 2012

"A Light Composite Stop," SLAC, Stanford, Dec. 2, 2011

"Monopoles and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Dirac Lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Nov. 30, 2011

"Seiberg-Witten Monopoles," Dirac Lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Nov. 29, 2011

"Electric-Magnetic Duality to Seiberg Duality," Dirac Lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Nov. 28, 2011

"A Light Composite Stop," Cornell, Nov. 18, 2011

"Monopoles and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Oct. 27, 2011

"Monopoles and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," U. Pittsburgh, Oct. 25, 2011

"Unitarity and Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," Cornell, Mar. 16, 2011

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Cornell, Nov. 23, 2010

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," UC Berkeley, Sep. 20, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," U. Southampton, England, Apr. 26, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland, Apr. 26, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," U. di Roma La Sapienza, Italy, Apr. 23, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," U. Warsaw, Poland, Apr. 19, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," CERN, Feb 5, 2010.

"Monopoles, Anomalies, and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," SLAC, Dec. 4, 2009.

"Unparticles," Cornell U., Sep. 23, 2009.

"The AdS/CFT/Unparticle Correspondence," UC Irvine., Apr. 8, 2009.

"The AdS/CFT/Unparticle Correspondence," Harvard U., Sep.. 16, 2008.

"Unparticles or Just Un-physics?" UC Berkeley, Sep. 17, 2007.

"The Gaugephobic Higgs," Caltech, April 23, 2007.

"Realistic Higgsless Models", U. Toronto., Sep. 11, 2006.

"Field Theory on Multi-Throat Backgrounds", SLAC, Apr. 21, 2006.

"The Accelerated Acceleration of the Universe", Cornell U., Sep. 21, 2005.

"Life without a Higgs," UC Berkeley, May. 2, 2005.

"Life without a Higgs," KITP Santa Barbara, Dec. 14, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs," Greater Chicagoland High Energy Seminar, Northwestern U., Nov. 1, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs,'' UC Santa Cruz, Mar. 29, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs,'' Michigan State U., Mar. 17, 2004.

"A new phase of SUSY gauge theories,'' U. Washington, Seattle, Mar. 9, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs,'' U. Texas Austin, Feb. 24, 2004.

"Life without a Higgs," Argonne National Lab., Nov. 11, 2003.

"Beyond Orbifolds: Life without a Higgs," Aspen July 1, 2003.

"Beyond Orbifolds: Life without a Higgs," U.C. Davis May 23, 2003.

"Beyond Orbifolds: Life without a Higgs," U.C. Berkeley May 19, 2003.

"Extra Dimensions: A Reality Check," Boston U., Oct. 23, 2002.

"Extra Dimensions: A Reality Check," Yale U., Oct. 23, 2002.

"Dimming Supernaovae by Axions," U. Maryland, Apr. 29, 2002.

"The Randall-Sundrum Model and Electroweak Physics," Cornell U. Apr. 23, 2002.

"Dimming Supernaovae by Axions," SLAC, Feb. 27, 2002.

"Dimming Supernaovae by Axions," U.C. Berkeley, Nov. 19, 2001.

"S-color and the mu problem," U. of Toronto, May. 31, 2001.

"Supersymmetric electroweak symmetry breaking," Yale, Sep. 26, 2000.

"Holographic RG and Cosmology," Aspen, Aug. 22, 2000.

"Holographic RG and Cosmology," Los Alamos/Santa Fe Workshop, Aug. 8, 2000.

"Holographic RG and Cosmology," CERN, Jul. 6, 2000.

"Holographic RG and Cosmology," U. of Cincinnati, May 22, 2000.

"Holographic RG and Cosmology," McGill, Apr.18, 2000.

"Supersymmetric electroweak symmetry breaking," Boston U., Mar. 22, 2000.

"Supersymmetric electroweak symmetry breaking," William and Mary, Mar. 17, 2000.

"Supersymmetric electroweak symmetry breaking," Los Alamos, Feb. 28, 2000.

"Orbifolds and the Hierarchy Problem," SLAC, Aug. 2, 1999.

"Single Sector SUSY Breaking," Harvard, Feb. 24, 1999.

"Glueballs and String Theory," MIT, Feb. 22, 1999.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," U.C. Irvine, Nov. 24, 1998.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," U.C. San Diego, Jun. 22, 1998.

"Glueball Mass Spectrum from Supergravity," Stanford U., Jun. 18, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," U.C. Santa Cruz, Jun. 4, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," U. of Oregon, Jun. 2, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," U. of Rochester, May 11, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Yale U., Apr. 21, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Fermilab, Feb. 26, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Michigan State U., February 24, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Carnegie Mellon U., Feb. 23, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," U. of Michigan, Feb. 20, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Boston U., Feb. 12, 1998.

"Composite Quarks and Leptons from Dynamical SUSY Breaking," Stony Brook U., Feb. 2, 1998.

"New mechanisms of dynamical supersymmetry breaking and direct gauge mediation," Stanford U., Nov. 24, 1997.

"New mechanisms of dynamical supersymmetry breaking and direct gauge mediation," U.C., Davis, Oct. 7, 1997.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," Rutgers U., May 20, 1997.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," IAS, Princeton, May 19, 1997.

"SUSY Self-Duals," U. of Toronto, Mar. 21, 1997.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," U. of Washington, Mar. 11, 1997.

"SUSY Self-Duals," U.C., San Diego, Feb. 24, 1997.

"SUSY Self-Duals," Yale U., Feb. 14, 1997.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," Kanazawa U., Apr. 22, 1996.

"SUSY Duals with Adjoint Matter," Tokyo Metropolitan U., Apr. 19, 1996.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," KEK, Japan, Apr. 18, 1996.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," Tohoku U., Apr. 16, 1996.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," Nagoya U., Apr.10, 1996.

"SUSY Duals with Adjoint Matter," Nagoya U., Apr. 9, 1996.

"SUSY Duals with Adjoint Matter," Kyoto U., Apr. 4, 1996.

"SUSY Duals with Adjoint Matter," U. of Cincinnati, Feb. 26, 1996.

"The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in QCD," Fermilab, Feb. 15, 1996.

"SUSY Duals with Adjoint Matter," Harvard U., Feb. 7, 1996.

"Phase Transitions in Particle Physics," Duke U., Feb. 5, 1996.

"Precision Electroweak Measurements," Ohio State U., Feb. 15, 1995.

"Precision Electroweak Measurements," McGill U., Feb. 10, 1995.

"Symmetry breaking in three dimensional QED," Harvard U., Jan. 11, 1995.

"Precision electroweak measurements and technicolor," U.C., Santa Cruz, Nov. 8, 1994.

"Precision electroweak measurements and technicolor," Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Nov. 4, 1994.

"Precision electroweak measurements and technicolor," Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nov. 2, 1994.

"Low energy tests of technicolor," ITP, Santa Barbara, Mar. 14, 1994.

"Low energy tests of technicolor," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Apr. 20, 1994.

"Low energy tests of technicolor," Columbia U., Feb. 23, 1994.

"Extended technicolor and neutrinos," Carnegie Mellon U., Oct. 13, 1993.

"Extended technicolor and precision electroweak measurements," U.C., Santa Cruz, Nov. 24, 1992.

"A chiral Lagrangian from quarks with dynamical masses," U. of Cincinnati, May 15, 1992.

"Monopole non-annihilation at the electroweak scale," U. of Cincinnati, May 18, 1992.

"Extended technicolor model building," Nagoya U., Japan, Nov. 18, 1991.

"A chiral Lagrangian from quarks with dynamical masses," Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, Newport News, May 31, 1991.

"A chiral Lagrangian from quarks with dynamical masses," U. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Nov. 13, 1990.

"A chiral Lagrangian from quarks with dynamical masses," ITP, Santa Barbara, Jun. 20, 1990.

"A model for low-energy QCD," TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 6, 1990.

Additional Activities

Gunion Fest," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Mar. 2014.

"The LHC Higgs Signal: Fits, Models and BSM Implications," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2013.

"Dark Matter in Collision," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2012.

"Hidden SUSY," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Nov. 2011.

"SUSY-Recast," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2011.

"The Tau Portal," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2011.

"Top @ Tevatron 4 LHC," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Nov. 2009.

"The Particle Cosmology Frontier," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, May 2009.

"MC4BSM," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2009.

"Missing Energy," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Apr. 2009.

"LHC New Physics Forum," (Co-organizer) Heidelberg, Feb 2009.

"New Paradigms for Dark Matter," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Dec. 2008.

"Finding the Hidden, Light Higgs," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, May 2008.

"Detecting the Unexpected," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Nov. 2007.

"Revealing the Nature of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Aspen 2008 Winter Conference, (Co-organizer) Jan. 2008.

"West Coast LHC Meeting," (Co-organizer) UC Davis, Dec. 2006.

"New Approaches to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking," Aspen Summer Workshop (Co-organizer) June 2005.

"Beyond the Higgs," Santa Fe Summer Workshop (Co-organizer) Aug. 2004.

"Physics in D>=4," TASI (Co-organizer), Boulder CO, June 2004.

Extra Dimensions and Beyond," Santa Fe Summer Workshop (Co-organizer) Aug. 2002.