two gamma event

High Energy


Joint Theory Seminar: Junwu Huang

Description Speaker: Junwu Huang
Title: Abstract:Cosmic axion strings II: A cosmological plasma collider
Host: Markus Luty

Abstract : We continue our discussion of early and late time signatures of axion strings by considering the effects of electromagnetic field on the axion string. Axion strings passing through galaxies obtain a huge charge and current density, which is neutralized by a dense plasma of bound state Standard Model particles forming a one dimensional "atom". The charged wave packets on the string, as well as the dense plasma outside, travel at nearly the speed of light along the string. The collisions of these packets of plasma can have luminosities up to seven orders of magnitude larger than the solar luminosity, and last for thousands of years, making them visible at radio telescopes even when they occur cosmologically far away. The new observables are complementary to the CMB observables discussed last week, and are sensitive to a similar motivated parameter range, allowing for non-trivial cross correlations.
Date Mon, March 1, 2021
Time 1:30pm-2:30pm PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Thu, January 21, 2021 1:08pm PST
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