two gamma event

High Energy


Joint Theory Seminar: Asher Berlin

Description <p>Joint Theory Seminar Speaker: Asher Berlin (SLAC)<br />mail:&nbsp;<br />Title:&nbsp;Thermal Relics Below an MeV<br />Host: &nbsp;Verhaaren<br />Room: 432<br />Abstract:&nbsp;I will discuss a class of models in which thermal dark matter is lighter than an MeV. If dark matter thermalizes with the Standard Model below the temperature of neutrino-photon decoupling, constraints from measurements of the effective number of neutrino species are alleviated. This framework motivates new experiments in the direct search for sub-MeV thermal dark matter and light force carriers.</p>
Date Mon, February 4, 2019
Time 1:30pm-2:30pm PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Thu, January 31, 2019 9:42am PST
Send Reminder Yes  -  0 days 4 hour 0 minutes before start

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