two gamma event

High Energy


Joint Theory Seminar: Jack Collins

Description Joint Theory Seminar
Speaker: Jack Collins
Title: Learning to find new physics in jets
Host: John Terning
Room: 432
Abstract: New particles may be produced at the LHC with very high boost, for instance if they result from the decay of a heavier resonance. If these boosted particles decay hadronically then their signature is a single fat jet, perhaps with unusual substructure. I will discuss new techniques to search for such boosted resonances, whether their properties are predicted by existing models or if they are completely unexpected. This will make use of recent advances in jet substructure and machine learning.
Date Mon, February 5, 2018
Time 5:30am-6:30am PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Wed, January 24, 2018 4:08am PST
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