two gamma event

High Energy


High Energy Seminar: Carter Hall

Description High Energy Seminar
Speaker: Carter Hall
Title: Down-to-earth searches for cosmological dark matter with LUX and LZ
Host: Mani Tripathi
Room: 285
Abstract: Can we detect the Milky Way's dark matter halo in a laboratory experiment? If so, it would be a spectacular confirmation of modern cosmology, and would rewrite the standard model of particle physics. This talk will review where the dark matter direct detection campaign stands, and what may lie ahead, with emphasis on the LUX and LZ experiments.
Date Tue, January 17, 2017
Time 8:10am-9:10am PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Mon, January 9, 2017 11:20pm PST
Send Reminder Yes  -  1 day 4 hour 0 minutes before start

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