two gamma event

High Energy


HE Seminar: Alex Dahlen

Description HE Seminar
Speaker: Alex Dahlen (Princeton)
Title: The Fastest Decay in the Landscape
Host: Nemanja
Room: 416

Abstract:Theories with extra dimensions naturally give rise to a large landscape of vacua stabilized by flux. I will show that the fastest decay is a giant leap to a wildly distant minimum, in which many different fluxes discharge at once. Indeed, the fastest decay is frequently the giantest leap of all, which discharges all the flux and begets a bubble of nothing. Finally, I will discuss how these giant leaps are mediated by the nucleation of "monkey branes" which wrap the extra dimensions.
Date Tue, November 9, 2010
Time 8:10am-9:10am PST
Duration 1 hour
Access Public
Created by High-Energy Seminars
Updated Sun, November 7, 2010 11:00am PST
Send Reminder Yes  -  1 day 8 hour 0 minutes before start

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