Anne Hébert (1916-2000)
- novelist, poet
- born in 1916 in Quebec
- influenced by her father, a provincial civil servant, and her cousin
Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau, a poet
- first achieved recognition as a poet in the 1940's and 1950's
- moved to Paris in the 1950's, but made frequent visits to Canada
- died in Montreal on January 22, 2000 of cancer
- Novels:
- Kamouraska (1970), translated in 1974, based on a 19th century murder
- Les enfants du sabbat (1975), translated as Children of the Black Sabbath (1978),
- Héloise (1980), translated in1982, about a Parisian vampire
- Les fous de Bassan (1982), translated as In the shadow of the
wind, gives multiple perspectives on a double rape and murder, won
France's Femina prize in 1992
- Un Habit D'Lumiere (1999)
- Poetry:
- Les songes en equilibre (1942)
- Le tombeau des rois (1953)
- Short Stories:
- Le torrent (1950), translated in 1967
- filmography
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