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The Well Known People Who Happen to be Canadian web page contains a list of actors, actresses, artists, athletes, authors, comedians, directors, musicians, scientists, and assorted others, who are Canadian and have some claim to fame outside of Canada. Being born in Canada or living a significant period of time in Canada is usually enough to qualify as being Canadian, while the required degree of fame varies between fields of endeavor. For example, a lot of the actors and actresses are household names, but most of the scientists (even if they have won Nobel prizes) will be unfamiliar to a lot of people.


I am looking for suggestions for additional people and links to biographical web pages. If you don't see your favourite Canadian on the main list, perhaps they are on the More Canadians list. If you suggest someone that I've never heard of, you can greatly strengthen your case by

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or try searching Alta Vista and the Internet Movie Database

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